Our team


Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.

Company director of ALTER-LEO s.r.o. (CEO, CFO)

doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D.

Business and operations director of ALTER-LEO s.r.o. (CBO, COO)

Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.

Information director of ALTER-LEO s.r.o. (CIO)

"Roses between thorns"

Mgr. Ing. Hana Pergl Šustková

Business and project Consultant
  • Management of business and academic projects
  • Business process design and implementations
  • Finance management and audits
  • Operations Officer of the GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office
  • Operations Manager of the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA)

Ing. Tereza Machačová

Ontology Engineer
  • Support of research projects and initiatives
  • OntoUML specialist

Bc. Jana Martínková

Ontology Engineer

Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.

Project manager

Core consultant and developers

Ing. Marek Skotnica

Consultant and developer

Ing. Jan Blizničenko

Consultant and developer

Ing. Marek Suchánek, Ph.D.

Consultant and developer